#110 – Healed Double Vision Confirmed

‘God wants us to have soft hearts and hard feet. The trouble with so many of us is that we have hard hearts and soft feet.’ Jackie Pullinger

This Week’s Highlights:
*Double Vision Healing Confirmed – see below
*Girl Has Profound Encounter With God’s Love – see Iris
*Several People Healed at Rock Lake – see Shirley (black box below)

Sixteen people came out to minister this week.  One team went to a hospital, while the other teams went to Portage Place Mall as it was raining outside.

      Shortly after I entered the mall one of the regulars, Jen, asked me to join her in the Food Court.  She was sitting with Brad (another regular), and his brother Axel who was a minister from Berens River.  Axel reminded me that Lorraine, Trevor, and I had prayed for his double vision on February 22nd, and that he was healed, and since then he has never seen double again.  He said the medical professionals could not find anything wrong with his eyes.  He said that he has given a testimony of his healing many times since then.  It was obvious he was still very excited about his healing.  I was excited to see him again and hear that he is still enjoying healed eyes.

       But that isn’t why they called Warren and me over.  Brad’s 5-week old grandson, Randolph, was in the hospital having difficulty breathing, and they wanted prayer for him.  I asked Axel to put his cowboy hat upside down on the table, and I explained that hat represented the baby’s cradle.  I then took a rolled-up newspaper and placed it in the hat.  I explained that represented the baby, and they had no problem envisioning that representation.  We then all laid our hands on the newspaper and prayed healing for baby Randolph.  Our faith was high because of Axel’s testimony of God’s healing power.  I expect that the baby was healed.

Iris’ Report:
Outreach this Thursday was full of powerful and meaningful encounters with people that the Holy Spirit had led us to very intentionally.
First one was when we were filling gas on the way to Portage Place. A man approached Gaylene and I asking to use our phone to call someone to pick him up. Noticing he was limping with a crutch, we asked Jay if we could pray for him. He said sure and told us that he had an infection in his foot that had gone crazy, and had resulted in surgeries, skin grafts and, thankfully, he did not have to amputate his leg. We prayed for him, which he gladly received, saying he had grown up Christian, and when we were done praying, he left too quickly for us to ask if his pain had lessened.
We saw a man playing guitar and Gaylene felt we needed to go talk to him. His name was Austin and he was waiting for his brother who was shopping in a nearby store. We asked him if he wanted prayer and he immediately said yes and had three things he wanted prayer for, one for an upcoming hearing for a potential two-year jail term and the other was for his kids who were in CFS. He came from a background of violence and was trying to turn his life around. Gaylene held his hand and told him she was touched by his story and prayed for him.  As we prayed, his brother came out of the store, with an air of hostility, and Austin told us he needed to go.
An inebriated man was standing near the bench, and Gaylene recognized him and it was apparent that he was withdrawing.  Lorraine and Audrey came around the corner and joined us as we ministered to him.  He was confused and incoherent but as we were praying and asking about pain and trauma, and praying some things off of him, there was a definite shift and he became more lucid. Some of his buddies walked by us, and shortly after Jessie got up suddenly and followed them.
Gaylene, Gelane, Emmanuel, Mike and I then prayed for Lorraine as she was leaving on a training trip to Toronto the next day, and that was a powerful encounter, I put my hand on her head and felt my hand get hot, and Lorraine felt that heat as well.  We felt the need to bless her feet and to pray a prayer of empowerment over her.
While we were praying, I noticed a girl who had a black eye walking by. I felt God highlighting her, and when she walked past us again a few minutes later, I walked over and asked her if she wanted prayer.  She said yes and just asked for general prayer for healing and a happy life.  We brought her over to the bench, as we put our hands on her, prayed, and spoke words of knowledge over her, she started to weep from deep inside. She had been in an argument the day before and had gotten hit, hence the black eye. What had started with a very general prayer request with her became a profound encounter with God’s love. Gaylene asked her if she knew Jesus, and she said yes, she had grown up knowing him but had gotten into a bad place and the vortex was pulling her. I told her that God had brought her specifically to us tonight and it was urgent in His heart for her to know He sees her and loves her. She kept sitting there soaking in His love as a group of us ministered to her, and every so often a fresh wave of weeping from deep inside her came. Gaylene asked her if God was speaking to her, she said yes, that he was speaking that he loves her, that there is a new path for her, and the past is behind her.  I started singing over her something I have never done before on a Thursday night but felt God was singing over her and took the leap to do that.  She rested her head on me as I hugged her and we just sat there for a long time as she soaked in God’s presence and love.  As this was happening, it was as if she was in her own bubble and could not hear what was happening around her.  And good thing, because as we started praying for her, another inebriated man who wanted prayer sat beside her, and as other of the H20 were ministering to him, you could hear him swear and say loudly, ”effing’ Jesus.
And the Holy Spirit kept pulling others into this place of His presence.  A man came right up to me and just stood there as I was praying with Brandy, and after a minute of him just standing there, I asked him if he wanted prayer as well, and he said yes. I waved Audrey and Les over to minister to him as I was engaged with Brandy. So much going on tonight, and as I drove away from Portage Place the song Clean by Natalie Grant was playing, and the lyrics reminded me of what God was speaking to Brandy.

“I see shattered, You see whole, I see broken, But You see beautiful
And You’re helping me to believe, You’re restoring me piece by piece
There’s nothing too dirty, That You can’t make worthy, 
You wash me in mercy, I am clean, 
There’s nothing too dirty, That You can’t make worthy, 
You wash me in mercy, I am clean”

Wow!  does God love people and want to draw them to himself, and what a gift to be on his rescue mission team this evening.


Rock Lake Healing Activity Friday, July 13th – reported by Shirley Hildebrand
Lots of wonderful healings, bondages broke and words of knowledge through the Kingdom H20 ministry team.  Here are just a few,  one man received deliverance from fear,  3 out of 4 people had received complete healing of pain in their body, the other one almost complete healing. A couple had prayer were he had MS and could not walk much but after had more strength, plus could hear better as he was hard of hearing, his wife’s leg grew. She could feel it growing, then God healed her back and she just had surgery on eyes and God healed her eyes so she could see better. There were many more testimonies here and probably even more as God is still working and helping people recover. I thank God for the help that came.

Upcoming Training Seminar in Toronto
On July 20th & 21st the Toronto House of Prayer (THOP) has invited Kingdom H2O to conduct a training seminar at their facility.  Pastor Tom, Pastor Lorraine, and Kevin Penner will be traveling to Toronto.


    We are in an appointed time upon the earth where God’s divine order is moving, shifting, and shaking everything into its perfect order. The gates to our cities are open for us to occupy them for the Kingdom of God. The nations and our governmental systems are in prime condition for us to go into the “city” and shine our light for the name of Jesus! – Holly Watson – The Elijah List

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