“You have been set free from the penalty of sin, you are being set free from the power of sin and you will be set free from the presence of sin.” Nicky Gumble
Come and See – Come and Taste – Come and Experience God at Work
We are soon coming up to the 3rd anniversary of Kingdom H2O. On May 5th, 2016 eighteen of our team members were out on the streets for the first time. The ministry attracted others and it grew from there, and we gave it the name Kingdom H2O about 2 years ago. Today there are about 80 team members from about 35 different churches who come out regularly, semi-regularly, or occasionally. When we started we only went to Central Park and Portage Place, and now we have teams that go to many Street and Mall locations including hospitals. We have witnessed many salvations, healing miracles, and deliverances. We have also ministered ‘hope’ to many people who are struggling in life. We have provided many street people with food, clothing, and toiletry kits. We have become aware that we are just a part of a mighty move of God, as there are other similar groups in Winnipeg, throughout Canada, the USA, and the world.
Come and join us. We meet every Thursday evening at 6:30 at Zion Apostolic Church, 305 Machray Ave, Wpg. Everyone is welcome. Come and experience God’s power at work.
This Week’s Highlights
*Power Encounter at Siloam – see below
*Word of Knowledge Results in Salvation and Healing – see Lorraine
*Salvations and Healing in Hospital – see Linda
*Challenged to Repent – see Gaylene
Seventeen Weekly Warriors were out last night, and went to Siloam Missions, Health Sciences, City Place and Portage Place.
Last night I saw one of the regulars who was so hungry, that he took and ate a half-eaten sandwich that someone left on one of the tables in the Portage Place Food Court. It prompted me to buy several pieces of chicken and feed him and another one of the regulars.
The highlight for me was hearing a story about a power encounter from Ed who was handing out hot chocolate at Siloam Missions. He said that while he was trying to engage people in prayer, a demonic man who was talking about spirits incessantly, kept interrupting him. Ed said he just wouldn’t stop talking, so Ed turned to him and said, “You seem to know a lot about spirits, but I know the Spirit that is greater than all your spirits.” “Yes”, he answered, “And that would be the anti-Christ.” “No”, Ed responded, “It is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” The man then immediately stopped talking and quickly backed away from Ed, and stayed quiet and at a distance from Ed the rest of the evening. Ed said he had never witnessed that kind of a Holy Spirit power encounter before.
Pastor Lorraine’s Report:
I took a team of 5 people to the hospital tonight. We were hoping to meet up again with the same small group of women we met last week and waited for about 20 minutes or so, but they never showed up. So some of our team went upstairs to pray for a family member.
Our group then went to the MICU to pray for a young man (16) who had attempted suicide and was on life support since last Friday. The family were glad we were there and we spoke life over their son, contending in prayer for his life to be given back to them. We prayed for about a half hour or so over him. Just before we arrived another group of people from H2O were also there praying for him! So good to have all this prayer for this young man’s life!
During that time I meet a woman who was friends with the family and she mentioned that she knew who I was! I had never met her before. Then she told me that her husband had just had cancer surgery and our H2O team had prayed for him via a
posting on our H2O Facebook page. So I went out to meet him and realized that this was indeed the same man we were given the name of and asked to pray about at least a week or so ago now! He was in much pain (9) and I offered to pray for him. His pain immediately went down to a level 6 and he obviously felt a shift and was a little surprised. I prayed again and there was no change. Then as I stood there the Lord spoke a word of knowledge to me, “trauma”. So I shared it. As it turned out, he said that the surgery wasn’t traumatic for him, but that during the surgery his heart stopped and death was imminent! He told me that he was traumatized by this event and couldn’t sleep well. He had seen some darkness and it terrified him. As he spoke the Lord said, “He doesn’t know Me.” So I asked him if he had ever received Jesus into his life/heart. He had not done that. I asked him if he wanted to have peace from this traumatic near death experience and he did. So I led him to the Lord and he
received peace! His whole countenance changed and his eyes lit up. PTL!! Found out later that his wife was a believer in Jesus but he wasn’t sure about God…had lots of ‘why’ questions. But suddenly he was ready!
Then the rest of the team had come into the waiting area by then and as I introduced this man to them as their new ‘brother’ in the Lord, I asked the rest of the team could pray for his pain once more. They did. His pain had almost all left by then! Amazing love of the Father. Thank you Jesus!!
Linda’s Report:
Andy, Serge, and I went to HSC, where we had a list of people to see and by quarter to eleven, we had not seen them all but trusted the Lord’s priorities, which seemed very clear. Praise the Lord in the ways He showed Himself faithful, going before us, with us, and trusting His continued work in these lives.
Brunen – in wheelchair in the rotunda with 2 caregivers present, prayed a more general prayer and he was reminded of times he enjoyed going to church with his mom, seemed more lighthearted and joyful, grateful for prayer.
Jadon (MICU) – on life support – prayed over him, agreed in prayer with mom and dad’s prayers, felt shifts and response to continued prayer, even though we were told it was just automatic response of nerves, also sensed heavenly response and invasion on his behalf, prayed calling forth his destiny in the Lord.
Andre Beaudry (6th floor, Rehab Hospital) really felt to see him above others on our list that we could see and even though we were told others were supposed to come and pray, turns out they did not show and he is being discharged tomorrow, his most recent experience with faith is that he had been told to leave A church he was attending because of how he looked when he showed up, since then a friend has encouraged him in faith, tonight he heard the gospel as he had not heard it before, realized it was not about a building, heard Andy’s testimony and recent adventure with the Lord in Israel, Andre accepted Jesus into his heart, he felt MUCH better and so much lighter, he hoped to be in contact with a mutual friend to share news of his decision and to get a new testament to read, surely a divine appointment!
Jenny (hall en route to MICU) – prayed for husband Alexander dealing with stomach cancer issues and complications arising from surgery, and their 5 children, and for her, she wept, grateful, was carrying a very heavy load with her husband and felt a real peace that now she could now get some rest.
Mary Harper (MICU) – the nurse had reported that she “remains stable, just has not woken up yet”, the Lord’s presence around her was definitely magnified as the truth and life in Jesus was declared, noticed movement in her stomach area and increased regularity with sinus rhythm on machine, sensed a calmness and a lightness, sensed the Lord at work in her heart, prayer and worship as the Lord led.
Yan (visitor at MICU) – recovering from stomach cancer surgery, pain was decreased to 5 when Lorraine prayed, we asked for more restoration & complete healing, he said he definitely felt better.
Dinah – still having disturbing dreams and back pain and family issues, was feeling so alone, her current dream was explored with revelation, when asked, she said she wanted to receive Jesus into her heart so we agreed in prayer for that, prayed for healing and shared prophetic words over artwork that the Lord would use her creativity, she had been quite distracted by visions, but experienced a shift, she seemed a little less distracted and fidgety.
Gaylene’s Report:
I initially headed out with Erdman and Adina and the first person we met was CJ, a new mall security guard from Nigeria. He’s a Christian and goes to one of the Redeemed churches. He was so encouraged to discover their were “white people” doing evangelism and prayer in public. He’s in Canada with his wife and kids and has a desire to work in helping professions like working with intellectually disabled people so we prayed for new opportunities. He was very grateful for the prayers and came over later and thanked us again.
We ran into Arnold from Kenya, who was wearing a very cool jacket with hand done lettering. He was surprised we approached him, but was in a hurry to catch a bus. He promised to come talk to us some other time because he was fascinated at what we do.
Andrea limped by us and explained her doctor told her she had arthritis in her knees, but she’s a Christian and was skeptical of the diagnosis. Erdman shared his story of how Jesus totally healed him from arthritis and offered to pray for her. As we prayed her pain lessened slightly so we prayed again and she felt it “definitely improved.”
I saw a rather forlorn woman sitting by the fountain surrounded by several bags and a suitcase. Laureen told me she and her boyfriend were kicked out of where they were staying and were now homeless. He’d taken off and she was sad and worried about him. A friend offered to put her up but she didn’t have bus fare. I gave her a bit of change and prayed for her about peace and hope but she didn’t seem to receive.
Lani joined me and the two of us felt to walk towards City Place. As we were praying by the abortion clinic, I noticed Edom walk by. Initially he refused prayer but as we engaged with him it became obvious he was actually quite desperate for a listening ear, encouragement and prayer. Hailing from Togo, after he came to Winnipeg he got into a relationship with an aboriginal woman struggling with addiction with whom he had a daughter. He had just gone to court in the afternoon to attempt to get custody from the child’s maternal grandmother and faced a great deal of resistance from CFS and the judge. A lovely young man, Edom is gainfully employed and absolutely intent on raising his daughter. We talked at length about his situation, systemic racism and eventually prayed for him. A Catholic, he admitted he was in a sinful relationship with his daughter’s mother so I asked if he’d repented to the Lord. He hadn’t, so I explained how repentance would clear a way for him to see things more clearly and how God not only shows mercy to the repentant, but He also forgets our sins.
For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.(Hebrews 8:12)
Edom wasn’t willing to do repent with us but it was clear that impacted him and he planned to do it in private with God. Edom said he was thankful to be able to share his story with with us and both Lani and I felt honored to hold space with him. As he left we prayed a blessing on him and encouraged him to stay in touch so we could hear what God was going to do.
Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:1-2)