#144 –  Storm Doesn’t Stop Kingdom Building Activity

“Example is not the main thing in influencing others – it is the only thing.” – Albert Schweitzer

Les Weisz, one of our team members, sent me this photo of a large billboard.  It’s message is one that Kingdom H2O Team Members often use to encourage the people of the street with – “there are no terms and conditions to receiving Jesus’ love”.  I have encountered people who don’t feel worthy, or who think they need to clean-up their life before they can invite Jesus into their lives.  I had one man tell me that he could never be forgiven for the things he had done (which included murder).  Another person told me they thought they should wait until they were sober before accepting Jesus, out of respect.  After a discussion on God’s unconditional love, each of these prayed and invited Jesus into their lives.  Other team members have had similar experiences.  Jesus’ love has no boundaries.  That message of love brings hope to a lost, broken, and hurting world.   Jesus came to redeem, not to judge.

This Week’s Highlights
*Healing & Evangelism Just Never Gets Old – see Michelle
*Divine Appointment With Needy Woman – see Gaylene
*Two Hospitals & A Home – see Pastor Thomas
*Visit List Nets Multi Prayer Opportunities – see Linda
*Newbie Witnesses Healing and Salvation – see Brian

There was blizzard conditions but 14 team members still made it out and went to Siloam Missions, St. Boniface Hospital, Health Sciences, Quest Inn, Portage Place, and City Place.  Most team members from outside of the City, including myself, didn’t make it in to Winnipeg, due to poor travel conditions.

Michelle’s Report:
Ed, Lorna, and I started at Siloam Mission. Ed had generously supplied hot chocolate and Lorna had brought granola bars. We were able to pray for many needs. A lady named June had wanted prayer for her depression, Larry had severe pain in his shoulder and neck, Tim wanted prayer for arthritis and osteoporosis. Inside Siloam Mission’s cafeteria Ed was able to pray for John who desperately wanted to find work. I prayed for Shirley who wanted prayer for pain in her legs and she received healing.
Our next stop was at Quest Inn, where we met Angeline from a few weeks ago and we had prayed this time for her husband Jake who recently had a stroke on his left side. We also happened to see Bernice from a few weeks ago, she had cataracts in her eyes and was now waiting for an operation in her second eye tomorrow. We also had the opportunity to pray for Pricilla who had shoulder pain and she was healed. The three of us had the opportunity to pray for Elaine with heart issues and we prayed for her son Darnell for his addictions and Ed led him to the Lord. Our final spot was in the Skyway at Portage Place mall that connects to the MTS Centre. We met Mildred and prayed for her arm which was affected by arthritis. We met a regular named Oli, who asked for prayer for a stroke.
Tonight was filled with people wanting prayer, receiving healing, and accepting Christ.  This just never gets old.

Gaylene’s Report:
Lani, Iris and I teamed up at Portage Place and headed to Dollarama to purchase some needed items. While Iris was in line with me, she noticed a woman in line behind us, who God had highlighted to her earlier while she was parking her vehicle. When Iris asked her if we could pray for her, she immediately responded yes. Shanlee is a beautiful young lady with a wide open heart and she recounted her story which included addictions, jail time and her children being in CFS care. Iris looked her in the eye and said “God wants you to know that He’s proud of you” to which Shanlee broke down and wept for quite some time. She has done remarkably well, held a job in jail, was clean and sober for a couple years and has been gainfully employed since she was released a year ago. She was well aware that she needed a faith component to her life and has been crying out to God. However she hasn’t been able to get her kids back partly because of some bureaucratic snags in the system. She’s currently dealing with a one month deadline to apply for the return of her kids and is totally overwhelmed by all the roadblocks she’s up against. I explained that our God is the righteous judge and we came alongside her to declare a breakthrough in Shanlee’s situation by month’s end. I felt God saying “I see you and you are not failing” and  Lani prophesied about her beauty and worth and that God had so much grace, mercy and freedom for her. We told Shanlee that she could find us any Thursday at Portage Place and she was so grateful and hugged us many times before heading back to her boyfriend. It was such a beautiful, divine, God appointed encounter that expanded our hearts.
Right afterwards we found Musa holding his head on one of the benches upstairs. A refugee claimant who’s half Ethiopian and half Somali, he came from the U.S. a couple months ago and lives in the Salvation Army shelter. He seemed very confused as what to do…he has some friends in Ontario and B.C. and was considering going either east or west. We sensed his restlessness and he admitted he had been drifting for some time including away from God, so we prayed for God’s direction over his life. I also told him about Naomi House, which is a transitional shelter specifically for refugee claimants.
We also bumped into Issa, a newcomer from Eritrea. His English was very poor but we managed to indicate we’d like to pray for him. He was blind in one eye due to an injury over a decade ago so we asked if we could pray for his eye. Because of his poor English (and our lack of Amharic lol) we couldn’t say for sure what happened. It seemed he had a slight improvement in his sight, but it was abundantly clear the Holy Spirit touched him.
As we were leaving the mall, we noticed a group of young men who were clearly up to no good…not sure if they were selling or buying. I managed to stop one of them, Benji, who had a definite grey pallor. He asked if we could pray for his daughters, who he wasn’t in relationship with. I inquired if addiction was one of the reasons he couldn’t see his daughters and he admitted he was a meth addict. When I asked if I could pray for his addiction, he declined. So we prayed for his daughters and he quickly exited.

Pastor Thomas’ Report:
Tonight I was teamed up with Diana, Andy, and Sergiu.  We went to the St. Boniface Hospital to pray for Dale who is the father of a friend of mine.  Dale had heart complications and was suffering from a leaky heart valve, thickening of the arterial wall as well as clotting.  Sergiu and I had been up the day previously and prayed for him.  He said the prayer had made a difference and he felt a flushing going through his veins and that the pain had subsided.  He looked a lot more peaceful but asked us to pray again.  He was very open to the challenge to make Jesus his Lord and Saviour and shared that he “prays to God in his own way but talks to Him every night”.  He was so grateful for us coming.
As we left we ran into Diana’s sister in law who had been in to see her husband, Brian who had a heart attack, fortunately it happened a day before going to Arizona He was recovering in the room across the hall from Dale which was more than a coincidence. Brian thanked us for our well wishes but that any prayer for him would have to be indirect so Diana prayed a “blessing prayer” over him which he responded with. “May the blessings be what they may be”.  We interceded over his room that God would touch his life.
We then drove to the Health Sciences Centre to pray for J. R. the young 17 year old who had tried to commit suicide a couple of weeks ago and is still unresponsive in MICU.  Jadon’s vitals though are more stable and his parents had a meeting with the doctors and feel like they are being heard and they are planning on putting a trachea tube so he can breathe on his own through his throat.  So there is no longer any threat with doctors to suddenly do something without parent consent. We prayed for Jadon and the family and are grateful for everyone praying.  He has possible blood clot in his leg and pneumonia in his right lung.  We are standing in faith for a miracle turn around and that his eyes would open and that he would respond.
We ended the evening going to home of Jeff who had been in the hospital with acute pancreatitis.  He was in serious pain so we prayed for him, encouraged him and gave him milk, bread and some financial help as he had been broken into while in the hospital and had everything stolen and on top of that, his tire slashed.  We felt the need to break every demonic assignment against him.

Linda’s Report:
I unfortunately, just missed the teams at Zion, and but continued on to HSC on my own.  I had a list of people with whom to follow up, from the previous week’s prayer with Andy and Sergiu, the prior week’s prayer with Pastor Brian, and Warren’s suggestions prior to leaving on his trip.   I learned that T L, J C, and  L H had each been discharged for which I praised the Lord.  I also learned that elder M H, who was in MICU on the 4th floor had passed away from someone who heard me asking about her.  Things may not have turned out as hoped in that situation, but I trust the Lord’s heart toward her, as there was such an amazing presence of the Lord the last time we prayed for her.  I will keep the family in prayer who stood with her in her time at HSC.
Sometimes when you pray for people in hospital, you think you may just be there for them, but many times, the Lord is wanting to touch those near to them.  I visited with Dinah, whom I had promised to bring some art paper for sketching, but she was asleep and it really seemed a peaceful sleep.  I thought little of it at first, but the one thing that had really concerned her in previous visits was her inability to sleep peacefully, so praise the Lord for answered prayer.  I wrote a brief note to let her know I was there and blessed her.  I went up to see L T, who was no longer in quarantine, but in another ward in a room by himself, so he had improved.  As he had a tracheotomy, he was unable to speak.  I am not sure of his condition, but felt to spend a good period of time to pray and encourage him and speak words of affirmation, around periods where his nurse attended him.  He seemed to be calmer and more peaceful and better for the visit.   He managed some coughing to clear his lungs.  It was something his nurse was very happy to see and wanted to encourage.  I had wanted to see T H, as well, but it was well after 8:30pm by then.   I also hoped to see J R, but ran into Pastor Tom and team who just came from doing just that!   The Lord had him covered!

Brian’s Report:
Tonight was Josh’s first night and he was hungry to see something happen. My mission was really just to show him how easy it can be. As we drove to Portage Place I was telling him the root of all of this is based in our identity in Jesus… that you know who your father is and who you are in him. It seemed to take us forever to find a parking spot (Jet’s game night at nearby MTS Centre).  When we finally found one, the license plate of the car in front of us was “father.”  We took that as a good sign.
The mall seemed a bit empty but it still had fun in store for us. The first young man we had approached had hurt his hand a while ago. Josh was a spectator tonight so I showed him how I normally pray for healing.  I held my hand over the young mans hand, not touching, and asked if he felt anything going in. He said no. I mentioned to Josh that it didn’t matter if they felt anything going in or not, I simply like checking. I then touched the young mans hand for a brief second and asked him to check the pain.  He said it was gone.
I then had Josh pick the next person for us to pray for. We walked to the other end of the mall where he selected a young woman on the bench alone. We started talking with her when we noticed her hand was hurt as well. Not only did she receive healing but we also had a strong word of knowledge for her and her boyfriend who showed up half way through. She received Jesus… not sure about the boyfriend though as I said they could answer my questions quietly.
Needless to say we had an amazing night with Jesus and our friends at the mall.

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