#146 – Healing & Evangelism Never Gets Old

Joyce Meyer writes, “Wisdom is our friend; it helps us not to live in regret.”

Handing out toiletry kits to the homeless, transients, and the poor has resulted in several Kingdom building opportunities and the recipients really appreciate them.
In the past year my wife, Barb, has packaged 123 ladies, and 61 men’s toiletry kits (other KH2O team members have also provided similar kits).  Pictured above on the left are the items being prepared for packaging that have recently been *donated by our local Thrift Store, The Village Connection.  The kits are handed out to needy people on the streets and in the malls of Winnipeg, and the people who receive them are also offered prayer.  Pictured heretoiletry kits after packaging, are the actual kits after they are packaged.  *(not all items are donated, some of the items such as tooth brushes, tooth paste, razors, combs and socks need to be purchased).
A typical kit contains soap, shampoo,conditioner, body lotion, tooth brush, tooth paste, razor, comb, and a small Bible.  The ladies kits also have sanitary napkins, and the men’s kits have a pair of socks.  Sometimes gloves, Kleenex, perfume, dental floss, and a pen and note pad are added.
We accept donations of any of the above mentioned items (new and unused please).
This Week’s Highlights
*Who Heals?  Yes, It Is Jesus! – see below
*Power Encounter Blesses Lonely Lady – see Robin
*Meth User Receives Power Encounter – see Pastor Thomas
*Pinched Nerve Healed – see Michelle
*Encounters With Psych Patient and Satanist – see 

      Twenty-seven Street Servants came out this week, and went to Health Sciences, Siloam, Quest Inn, Polo Park, and Portage Place.  Teams reported having a busy night.  Some of the encounters were initiated by people asking for prayer.   For example a man walked-up to Ken and said, “You look like a nice guy, can I talk to you?”.  He told his story through tears, Ken encouraged, prayed, and gave him a big hug.
Then, Simon, the man with the damaged hand wanted to show us how, since last week, he now has more mobility in his wrist.  He said I have come for more prayer, and as we prayed he said he could feel some kind of movement in his hand.  He was greatly encouraged, and is believing for a complete healing.
Robin and I prayed for Fred who had a plastic boot on his left foot.  He told us he had a growth removed from the bottom of his toes, and even though he was on pain killers he had a level 8 pain.  We prayed once and it dropped to 4, we prayed again and he said all the pain was gone.  I asked him if he knew who healed him and he said, “Yes, Jesus”.
I have added some comments to Robin’s report below regarding some of our other encounters.

Robins Report:  (with input from Al)
So tonight was a good night.  A lady by the name of Delores walked up to me asking if we had another Winnipeg Blue Bomber bag for her grandson (we were handing-out toiletry kits and they had seen one that had a Bombers emblem on it).  We didn’t,  but instead, ended up giving her granddaughter a ladies kit and then we asked if we could pray for them.  They asked for prayer for heavy hearts over sickness in family members, and some recent deaths. The other grandmother Cindy also wanted prayer for the pain in her lower back.   She was immediately healed and was very excited.  They also wanted prayer for Charlie (10 yr old grandson) as his mother was found dead on the streets a year ago.  (Robin gave him a huge mother’s hug, and prayed a blessing over him).  He was clearly moved by the hug and prayer.
There were other prayers prayed with the regulars and one that will last with me for some time. We were walking away from the table when Al pointed out to me a lone lady, at a nearby table, who had made eye contact with him (I was aware that she had been listening to the conversation and prayers for Simon and I encouraged Robin to approach her).  Corrine welcomed my company and prayers. She had just lost her partner back in September and has no one to talk to. None of her friends want to talk to her and she has really nowhere to live. I welcomed her to share some fun stories about her partner which brought a smile to her face! Soon after the tears would flow. Smiles to tears. At one point while I held her hand she pulled back in bewilderment and exclaimed, WOWAH! as she pulled away her hand. I asked her what happened and she said she felt power coming from me. I was able to witness about the giver of this power and shared HOPE for her hopelessness. I hope to see her again!

Pastor Thomas’ Report:
Tonight I went to the Health Sciences Centre with Kelly and Erika who came out for the first time.  We met a woman whose  brother Alex was on his death bed because of a cardiac arrest.  After a time of prayer for him I had a word of knowledge about back pain for one of his family members. JC responded that she had back pain and then after prayer was completely healed of level 10 pain in the upper back.
We also prayed for Laura a 30 year old aboriginal woman who had been suffering the effects of a crystal meth addiction and had lots of pain in her body. She was afraid to die as doctors told her she only had 30 % function of her organs.  We prayed and the Holy Spirit touched her. The fear and pain left and she felt like floating.
Finally, we prayed for Mina who has jaundice from liver failure from drinking. We spoke life over her and also healed her relative Stanley who had chest pains.  A very busy night.

Michelle’s Report:
Lorraine, Dianna and I started our night at the Quest Inn. This was the third week of seeing Angelina, she is still waiting for her cataract surgery.
We prayed for Sandy who had a pinched nerve in his neck, this affected his neck with numbness, the veins in his nose and eyes. The first time we prayed for him, there was a shift where he could feel a change and then the second time he was overwhelmed because all the numbness and pain left.
We then prayed for a lady named Liz who is a grandma, she had wanted prayer for her daughter Dana who recently had a miscarriage. We prayed comfort and healing for the whole family.
Our last stop was the Health Sciences Center were we went to pray for JR a young guy who is on life support, also for the comfort and support from Jesus over the parents.

Gaylene’s Report:
At Portage Place, I was joined by Lani, Pastor N. William, Melinda and her cousin.
Almost immediately we met Yonas, a young Ethiopian man Lani and I had met several weeks ago at HSC Psych Ward. Yonas has a slightly complicated story…he visited a Muslim psychic last year and ever since has been plagued by mental illness and family complications. When Lani, Andy and I prayed with him at HSC, he’d repented for seeing the psychic and were contending for  his breakthrough. He was released from the psych ward a couple weeks ago, but he’s still dealing with difficulties including his living situation with a female cousin. We prayed and prophesied with him about peace in his mind and situation, but it was obvious he was stressed out so we all sat and chatted with him for quite some time. Nihad asked if he’d rejected all the things the psychic had said and Yonas admitted he hadn’t so we prayed for him about that. Nihad also discerned that the psychic gave him something and Yonas said that was correct but he’d thrown it out. He is really unhappy about being medicated because it made him feel like a tired old man when in fact he was a former track athlete. Melinda prayed with him about strength and vigor and Nihad prayed for Jesus to renew and heal his mind.
While we were sitting with him, a man came up and asked if anyone would like to buy some boots for $10. Yonas was very interested because they were brand new steel toe boots with tags for $109. I challenged the seller about shoplifting, but he insisted he was a dumpster diver and just wanted some money for food and bus fare. Nihad and I asked him if we could pray for him, but he said “no I’m a Satanist.” Lani decided to buy the boots for Yonas and unbeknownst to any of us, blessed the money before she handed it over to the professed Satanist. Yonas was extremely happy at his new boots, but Nihad and Lani made sure to pray over them before he put them on.
Melinda continued to talk with him about living with his cousin and realized Al had given her a bag full of women’s toiletries. She suggested Yonas give his cousin some gifts and gave him some creams for her. The change in Yonas’ mood and demeanor was quite noticeable to everyone…he went from stressed and worried to practically overjoyed by the end of the night.

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