TEAM MEMBER PROFILES Pictured above is GELANE HAILU who is a member of the United Oromo Christian Fellowship of Manitoba. She has worked as a Health Care Aide, but is transitioning to becoming a Financial Advisor. She has been with KH2O two and a half years. I first heard about the Kingdom H2O outreach from Mike Zachman when he was preaching at a conference in June 2017. As a result I visited Zion and was invited to become a Team Member.
“The main reason I like H2O’s approach is because it’s personal, not just preaching to people. Also when we approach individuals on the street or in malls we don’t discriminate, we love on them freely. We also establish relationships with people we meet. Bill Johnson says that we owe the world an encounter with God! When we go out with KH2O we do just that. The people who are involved with KH2O are from all different churches yet we’re all from one Father and one family! I always look forward to going out with KH2O to see what Jesus will do in people’s lives! “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” 1 John 3:17 This Week’s Highlights
*Nine Men Say, “Where’s the Women?” – see picture below
*”I Wanna Get Saved” – see Pastor Chris
*Socks, Protein Bars, and Hot Chocolate – see Jerrold
*New Mackinaw to Fight the Cold – see Doug’s picture below Twenty-two Weekly Warriors came out to minister this week. Nine men showed-up at Zion for prayer before going out (see pix below), and thirteen joined us at Portage Place (10 of them students from Eston Bible College who were there to experience street ministry).
The mall was busy and all the teams were kept busy with encounters. Pastor Chris’ Report:
Several of us went to Portage Place to connect and partner with the Eston students. Before meeting up I met “Bronson” who had just tested positive with TB. Prayed for him and his friends. Then I got connected with “Kyle” and we started to talk to a group of his friends, but in particular one lady named Kaitlyn. It started out a bit rough as she was saying how white Manitobans are so mean and why is that? She was accusing us at first but her friends seemed to know us and they were sharing about the good works we’ve done. She then opened up and just before we prayed someone tried to get her to leave but she replied, “Hold on…I think I wanna get saved” (her words not ours). She was struggling with a guilty conscience about her past sins, we told her that guilt could leave today and her soul leave lighter. We prayed and after she testified how good she felt. “That negative feeling is all gone!” Jerrold’s Report:
Ed, Olu and I went to Siloam mission tonight, we give out protein bars and hot chocolate (3 jugs from Tim Horton). I also brought 20 pairs of socks, which I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to bring, everything was pretty much gone in about 20 min, before we even went in to the building, we prayed for one person with a walker, who had back pain and knee pain, we prayed a few times and the pain diminished and left, to his surprise, and we also prayed a blessing over another person, it was a good first experience at Siloam for Olu and I, praise Jesus. |